
You Searched for "organization"

1 results found.

POWER Our organization has separated individuals from political, financial, and cultural influences, throughout the centuries. For centuries, our organization has separated individuals from exceptional political, financial, or cultural influence from the flock and established them as shepherds of the human species.

3 results found.

THE PRINCIPLE OF VALUE AND TRADE Things that cost nothing are worth nothing. A healthy body costs time and effort invested in exercise and food preparation. A powerful mind costs the hours invested in reading and studying. Many costs don't require money to pay, but money gives a numerical value to everything on this planet for ease of exchange. Money is the exchangeable currency of knowledge and effort. The sole purpose of money is to give a numerical value to knowledge and effort for commer...

THE PRINCIPLE OF GOOD AND EVIL Most religious beliefs are based on information received from an outside source that cannot be verified, sometimes called hearsay. Millions will follow the commandments of a religious text without ever having spoken to its author, and billions will believe in a deity because of the miracles they were told of by someone who was not even present or alive at the time. But denouncing faith is real madness. Faith is not limited to religious believers. While even the m...

FREEDOM AND BELIEF The Illuminati have no other belief than the sovereignty of the human species. The Illuminati is not a church, religion, political group, or charity, but an elite collective of global influencers who work to advance the interests of the human species as a whole. Our decisions are independent of all human divisions, including religious and political differences. We operate solely for the benefit of the human species entrusted to us to protect and, therefore, we do not impose...


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